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Bridge Training is a one-day training with instructional hours and roleplay scenarios that was developed to meet the needs of two groups of participants:

1) Those who need to brush up on their skills because of the amount of time that has passed since they have their basic mediation training, have practiced, or have participated in CMEs (continuing mediator education); and,

2) those who took a basic mediation course that was not pre-approved by the Nebraska Office of Dispute Resolution and would now like to become Parenting Act-approved or practice in areas of Restorative Justice in the state,

Training Components:

  • Issues vs. Interests
  • Utilizing open-ended questions
  • Simulation mediation role plays
  • Other areas instructors may deem necessary based on identified deficiencies from participants previous training

Who Should Attend — Basic mediation trained individuals needing a refresher or needing to address a deficiency for ODR, mediation center or self-identified need.

Prerequisite — Basic Mediation Training

Registration —  $99

Training Date: Scheduled as needed
Training days start at 9:00 a.m. and end at 5:30 p.m. Central time. Registrants will need to ensure they have the bandwidth to accommodate sending and receiving both audio and video and have a landline or mobile phone with text available as a backup during the dates listed above. Prior to the training date, registrants will need to downloaded Zoom.

Neon CRM by Neon One
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